Written by:
Isla Moore
Gambling & Cryptocurrency Writer
Problem gambling, also known as gambling addiction, refers to any patterns of gambling behavior that have a negative impact on personal, family, or professional life. Symptoms of problem gambling include an increasing obsession with gambling, a need to bet larger amounts of money more frequently, restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop gambling, continuously trying to recover losses, and a loss of control where the gambling behavior continues despite serious negative consequences. In severe cases, problem gambling can lead to financial devastation, legal issues, the breakdown of relationships and careers, and in extreme cases, even suicide. For more information on the criteria for gambling addiction as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, please refer to the DSM 5 available at www.psych.org.
Problem gambling is not solely a financial problem, but rather an emotional problem that can have financial consequences. Even if all the debts of an individual affected by problem gambling are paid off, the underlying issue of their uncontrollable obsession with gambling remains. It is important to recognize that problem gambling is a complex issue that goes beyond financial matters and involves an individual’s emotional well-being and their inability to control their gambling behavior.
No, problem gambling is not solely the result of irresponsible or weak-willed individuals. Many people who develop gambling problems have been perceived as responsible and strong by their loved ones. Various factors can contribute to a change in behavior, such as retirement or job-related stress, which may trigger the development of a gambling issue. It is important to understand that problem gambling can affect individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their perceived strength or level of responsibility.
Problem gambling can affect anyone who engages in gambling activities. It is crucial to be mindful of the potential risks involved and to approach gambling responsibly, if one decides to participate. When gambling behavior starts to negatively impact an individual’s finances, relationships, and work, it is a clear indication that a serious problem has already developed. It is important to recognize the signs and seek help when necessary to address the issue effectively.
Casinos, lotteries, and other forms of gambling do not directly “cause” problem gambling. The root cause of a gambling problem lies in an individual’s inability to control their gambling behavior. This inability to control gambling may be influenced by various factors, including genetic predisposition to addiction, coping mechanisms for life stress, and personal upbringing and moral beliefs regarding gambling. It is important to understand that while casinos and lotteries provide the opportunity for gambling, they are not the sole creators of the problem, just as a liquor store does not create alcohol-related issues. The responsibility for managing and addressing problem gambling lies with the individual and their ability to seek help and make responsible choices.
The types of gambling that can potentially lead to problem gambling are not determined solely by the nature of the gambling activity itself. The underlying cause of a gambling problem lies in an individual’s inability to control their gambling behavior. Therefore, any form of gambling has the potential to become problematic, similar to how someone with an alcohol problem can experience negative consequences regardless of the type of alcohol consumed. However, certain types of gambling may have characteristics that could contribute to the development or exacerbation of gambling problems. While these factors are not yet fully understood, anecdotal reports suggest that one potential risk factor could be the speed of play. In other words, games that have a faster wager-to-response time may increase the likelihood of players developing problems with that particular game. It is important to continue researching and understanding these factors to better address and mitigate the risks associated with different types of gambling.
The gaming industry has a responsibility to establish and implement policies and programs aimed at addressing concerns related to underage gambling and problem gambling. It is crucial for all entities involved in providing gambling opportunities to prioritize the development and implementation of measures that promote responsible gambling practices and mitigate the risks associated with underage gambling and problem gambling. By taking proactive steps and fulfilling this responsibility, the gaming industry can contribute to creating a safer and more responsible gambling environment for all individuals involved.
The presence of a gambling problem is not solely determined by the frequency of gambling. It is possible for someone to have a gambling problem even if they do not gamble on a daily basis. Even periodic gambling binges can have significant emotional and financial consequences that impact the individual’s life, as well as their family. It is important to recognize that the negative effects of a gambling problem can manifest regardless of the frequency of gambling, and seeking help and support is crucial in addressing these issues effectively.
The threshold at which gambling becomes problematic is not determined by the specific amount of money lost or won. Instead, gambling becomes a problem when it starts to have a negative impact on various aspects of an individual’s life. The negative consequences can manifest in different areas, such as personal relationships, financial stability, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. It is important to recognize that the harm caused by gambling extends beyond the monetary aspect and encompasses the broader implications on one’s overall well-being.
It is possible for a person to develop an addiction to something that is not a substance. In the case of gambling addiction, although no substance is physically consumed, the act of gambling can elicit similar effects on the individual as those experienced from drug use or alcohol consumption. Over time, just as tolerance builds up with drugs or alcohol, individuals with gambling problems may find that they require more and more gambling activity to achieve the same emotional effect as before. This leads to an increased urge to engage in gambling and a diminished ability to resist the cravings as they intensify in frequency and intensity. The addictive nature of gambling lies in the psychological and emotional impact it has on individuals, rather than the ingestion of a physical substance.
It is commonly observed that individuals with one addiction are more susceptible to developing additional addictions. In the case of gambling problems, some individuals may also struggle with issues related to alcohol or drug abuse. However, it is important to note that having a gambling problem does not automatically mean that one will become addicted to other substances or activities. Each person’s experience is unique, and while some individuals with gambling problems may develop other addictions, others may not. This can be attributed to the fact that the specific feeling and experience derived from gambling may not be replicated by any other substance or activity. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that family patterns of dependency play a role, as many individuals with gambling problems report that one or both of their parents had issues with alcohol or gambling.
In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 2 million adults, which accounts for about 1% of the population, meet the criteria for severe gambling problems within a given year. Additionally, there are an estimated 4-6 million adults, or 2-3% of the population, who would be classified as having mild or moderate gambling problems. While they may not meet the full diagnostic criteria for gambling addiction, they do exhibit one or more of the criteria and experience difficulties as a result of their gambling behavior. It is worth noting that research indicates that the majority of adults who choose to gamble are able to do so responsibly, without developing problematic gambling behaviors.
Gambling is quite prevalent in the United States, with approximately 85% of adults having engaged in gambling at least once in their lives. Within the past year, around 60% of adults have participated in gambling activities. Legalized gambling is accessible in 48 states, along with the District of Columbia. The only two states without legalized gambling are Hawaii and Utah. This indicates that gambling is widely available and has been embraced to varying degrees across the majority of the country.
According to the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), the annual national social cost of problem gambling is estimated to be $7 billion. This figure takes into account various expenses associated with problem gambling, such as spending on criminal justice and healthcare related to gambling, as well as the economic impact of job loss, bankruptcy, and other related consequences. The estimate is based on research conducted by the National Gambling Impact Study Commission in 1999, which has been adjusted to account for inflation and current rates of problem gambling.
Research indicates that the development of gambling issues in children or teenagers can be influenced by various factors. One such factor is the permissiveness of certain states that allow individuals under the age of 18 to engage in gambling activities. Additionally, youth may also participate in illegal forms of gambling, such as online gambling or sports betting in states where it is not legally permitted. Consequently, it is not surprising that a significant majority of children have reported gambling before reaching the age of 18. Studies suggest that children may be more susceptible to developing gambling-related problems compared to adults.
Parental attitudes and behaviors also play a crucial role in shaping a child’s relationship with gambling. The attitudes and behaviors exhibited by parents regarding gambling can significantly impact a child’s perception and engagement with gambling activities. Furthermore, the age at which individuals are exposed to gambling has been found to be a contributing factor. Research indicates that adults seeking treatment for problem gambling often report having started gambling at an early age.
While ongoing debates surround this issue, it is evident that multiple factors, including parental influence and early exposure to gambling, can contribute to the development of gambling issues in children and teenagers.